December 12, 2018: WisconsinEye “On November 30, the Thompson Center hosted a conference focused on effective public leadership in contemporary American politics. During one of the panel discussions, Alan Wiseman of Vanderbilt University and Laurel …
Year: 2018
Wisconsin’s Leaders Should Work Together on Three Issues
November 28, 2018: WisPolitics Thompson Center Director Ryan Owens has written an article identifying how Wisconsin’s political leaders can deliver substantial results for the state on three key issues: criminal justice, transportation, and energy reforms.
Tommy Thompson Discusses Second Chance Initiative
October 13, 2018: WisconsinEye On October 13, WisconsinEye Senior Producer Steve Walters interviewed former Governor Tommy Thompson (R) on his most recent book, “Tommy: My Journey of a Lifetime.” Thompson discussed his second chance initiative …
Tommy Thompson Discusses Transportation in Wisconsin
October 9, 2018: WisconsinEye Former Governor Thompson held an interview with the Wisconsin Eye discussing the Wisconsin highway system and the transportation accomplishments achieved while he was in office.
The Man from Elroy
August 23rd, 2018: Isthmus Paper Former Governor Tommy G. Thompson has given an in-depth interview with the Isthmus paper titled “The man from Elroy : New book reveals what makes Tommy Thompson tick?” In the article …
Bipartisan Criminal Justice Reform Improves Lives and Workforce Safety
August 14, 2018: USA Today USA Today has published an article written by four state governors on the need for bi-partisan criminal justice reform to improve lives and the workforce. The governors are Matt Bevin-Kentucky, …
Criminal Justice Reform on White House Agenda
May 18th, 2018: The White House The White House has taken up the bipartisan issue of criminal justice reform: Council of Economic Advisors Report President’s Opening Statement at Criminal Justice Reform Conference
Help Solve Wisconsin’s Coming Labor Shortage by Rehabilitating Prisoners
April 20th, 2018: Journal Sentinel Governor Thompson discusses Wisconsin’s labor shortage and how prison reform can help.