January 27, 2021: Cap Times The CapTimes wrote an article covering Former Governor Tommy G. Thompson’s leadership of the University of Wisconsin System.
Month: January 2021
Public Emergency Reforms
January 13, 2021: WisPolitics Director Ryan Owens and Assistant Director Eric Tempelis wrote an article discussing business interruption insurance as a policy solution to prepare for public emergency.
Survey: UW-Madison undergrads favor government limits on offensive and ‘hate’ speech
January 13, 2021: Wisconsin State Journal The Wisconsin State Journal discussed the recent Thompson Center First Amendment Survey on free speech and religious liberties.
Thompson Center calls UW students’ free speech attitudes ‘troubling’
January 11, 2021: Cap Times The Cap Times wrote a piece covering results and feedback to the Thompson Center’s recent survey on the First Amendment. Thompson Center calls UW students’ free speech attitudes ‘troubling’