The Tommy Thompson Center was proud to sponsor debate and election night viewing events at UW-System campuses around Wisconsin! Hosted by political science departments, College Democrats, and College Republicans, these events brought together UW students from across the political spectrum to view the American political process in action.
UW Madison
November 6 8:00 P.M.
The Thompson Center co-sponsored an election night viewing event in the Marquee Theatre in Union South (1308 W Dayton St.). Running expert commentary was be provided by Professors David Cannon and Kenneth Meyer of the Political Science department and from Professor Michael Wagner of Journalism and Mass Communications. Pizza was available on this momentous occasion as we found out who our next political leaders were to be.
UW Madison
October 29 7:00 P.M.
The Thompson Center co-sponsored the first debate of the academic year between the College Democrats and the College Republicans! The event was held in the Education Building, room L196. Free pizza was be available at this dramatic and absolutely packed event.
UW Madison
October 26 5:30 P.M.
The Thompson Center sponsored a viewing of the Governor’s debate at UW-Madison on Friday, October 26th. The viewing was held in the Inn Wisconsin room of the Memorial Union at 800 Langdon Street.
The event was attended by a number of student affiliated with the College Republicans, the College Democrats, and other unaffiliated UW Madison Undergrads. As promised, plenty of free pizza was available to assist the students through the final governors debate of the campaign season.
UW Stevens Point
The Thompson Center sponsored a viewing event at UW-Stevens Point on Friday, October 19. Despite the bad weather, homecoming weekend parties, and a Brewers game on that day, more than 80 people from the campus and the community gathered to watch the senate and governor debates. The audience took a pre-post debate survey to briefly express their feedback on candidates’ performance.